maanantai 10. kesäkuuta 2024

Pari englanninkielistä dokumenttisarjaa maailmanhistoriasta

Historia on mielenkiintoinen, relevantti ja tavattoman laaja aihe. Sen tunteminen mistä tulemme antaa meille ymmärrystä nykypäivään sekä tulevaisuuteen. BBC ja National Geograpic ovat tehneet joitakin vuosia sitten toteutukseltaan laadukkaat yleiskatsaukset ihmiskunnan historiaan. Luonnollisesti muutamassa tunnissa ei voida mennä syvälle. Mutta sarjat tarjoavat (kumpikin hieman eri vinkkelistä) kiehtovaa ja viihdyttävää lintuperspektiiviä kivikaudesta avaruusaikaan. Näkökulma on sekulaari. Myös kristityn on hyvä tuntea sekulaaria historiantulkintaa.

Andrew Marr's History of the World (BBC 2012)

1. Survival

How the earliest humans spread around the world, adapting and surviving against the odds.

Segments: anatomically modern humans leaving Africa 70,000 years ago; modern human and neanderthal contact in Europe 40,000 years ago; invention of the needle 30,000 years ago; cave painting in Europe 27,000 years ago; the agricultural revolution in Mesopotamia 12,000 years ago; Çatalhöyük 9,000 years ago; Yu the Great controlling the Yellow River in China 4,000 years ago; community life in ancient Egypt 3,200 years ago; a Minoan sacrifice at Knossos 3,700 years ago.

2. Age of Empire

The story of the first empires which laid the foundations for the modern world.

Segments: the reign of Sennacherib in the Assyrian Empire 701 BC; Phoenicians and the development of the alphabet 1050 BC; Cyrus the Great against the Lydians at Sardis 547 BC; the liberation of the Jewish people 539 BC; the life of Siddhārtha Gautama 5th Century BC; development of democracy at Athens 5th Century BC; the Battle of Marathon 490 BC; origins of Confucianism in Zhou Dynasty China 500 BC; the conquests of Alexander the Great 336 BC; the teachings and death of Socrates 399 BC.

3. The Word and the Sword

Charting the spiritual revolutions that shook the world between 300 BC and 700 AD.

Segments: Ashoka and the rise of India's Maurya Dynasty 295 BC; the rule of Ying Zheng and origin of the Qin Dynasty 3rd Century BC; Cleopatra and Julius Caesar at Alexandria 44 BC; Caesar's assassination 44 BC; the Fall of Cleopatra 30 BC; the spread of Christianity by Paul 30 AD; Christian martyrdom of Perpetua in Carthage 203 AD; Constantine the Great embraces Christianity 337 AD; The Year Without Sunshine 535-536 AD; the decline of the Nazca 200-600 AD; Bilal at Mecca and the spread of Islam 620 AD.

4. Into the Light

The Middle Ages, when Vikings explored and pillaged.

Segments: a Viking raid on Kiev and the foundation of the Kievan Rus' 882 AD; Vladimir the Great converts to Orthodox Christianity 898 AD; al-Khwarizmi and the Islamic Golden Age 827 AD; Caliphate of Córdoba 929-1031; Genghis Khan and the rise of the Mongol Empire 1206; Mongol conquest of the Khwarazmian Empire 1219-1221; the journey of Marco Polo 1271-1298; the Black Death 1347; the pilgrimage of Mansa Musa 1324; the Ottoman siege of Constantinople 1453; Leonardo da Vinci painting The Last Supper 1494.

5. Age of Plunder

Europe's rise from piracy to private enterprise.

Segments: Christopher Columbus landing in the Caribbean 1492; Hernán Cortés conquering the Aztecs 1521; Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation 1517; European Wars of Religion 1524; the Spanish capture of Atahualpa 1532; Ivan the Terrible and the conquest of Siberia 1580; William Adams and Tokugawa Ieyasu in Japan 1600; Nathaniel Courthope vs. the Dutch on Run island 1617; tulip mania and the rise of capitalism in Holland 1637.

6. Revolution

A time when people worldwide rose up in the name of freedom and equality.

Segments: Galileo Galilei and his telescope 1609; Galileo and the Inquisition 1633; Mughal India and the construction of the Taj Mahal 1657; the reign of Aurangzeb 1658-1707; the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party 1773-1781; the French Revolution and the death of Louis XVI 1789-1793; the rise of Napoleon 1799-1804; the British settlement of Australia 1788; the Atlantic Slave Trade and the Haitian Revolution 1791; Edward Jenner and the development of the smallpox vaccine 1796.

7. Age of Industry

How Britain's Industrial Revolution created the modern world.

Segments: George Stephenson and the construction of the steam locomotive 1825; the Opium Wars in China 1839–1860; serfdom and Leo Tolstoy in Russia 1853; Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War 1860-1865; Commodore Perry in Japan 1854; the end of the Samurai and the development of modern Japan 1877; Henry Morton Stanley exploring the Congo 1874; Leopold II and the Scramble for Africa 1881–1914; the First World War and Arthur Zimmermann 1914–1918; the Russian Revolution 1917.

8. Age of Extremes

The atom bomb and other developments in the twentieth century – our age.

Segments: Adolf Hitler and the rise of Nazi Germany 1918–1933; Margaret Sanger and the first birth control clinic 1916; Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement 1921-1960; Mahatma Gandhi and Edward Wood in India 1930; the Holocaust 1941–1945; Robert Oppenheimer and the bombing of Hiroshima 1945; Post–World War II economic expansion 1945-1973; Apollo 11 1969; Deng Xiaoping and the end of Mao Zedong's China in 1967-1976; the collapse of the Berlin Wall 1989-1990; Deep Blue vs. Garry Kasparov 1997; the Ayoreo tribe and environmental issues in Brazil 1998.

Origins: The Journey of Humankind (National Geographic 2017)

1. Spark of Civilization

The ability to harness fire and control it gave humans the power to create, transform, and destroy. Firepower has converted us from living as early nomadic tribes to a species with the ability to undertake space voyages.

2. Cheating Death

Throughout evolution, the human species has been battling diseases. Causes were initially unknown, but in the process of finding cures, we discovered microscopic biological organisms that acted as causal agents. Medical science has helped humans make huge progress in fighting modern-day plagues.

3. Power of Money

Expansion of societies led to the proliferation of trade routes. As commerce flourished, the barter system prevalent in inter-societal trades gave way to the currency system, which in turn led to the modern-day global economy.

4. The Writing on the Wall

Interaction within a species is indispensable to their survival. Communication between humans began with sign languages, cave paintings, and hieroglyphs. With time, this led to the development of complex languages with expressive forms that connected people to civilizations from other parts of the globe.

5. Progress of War

The human species has developed in many ways and warfare is no exception. From the need of early humans to protect themselves from hostile conditions in the wilderness, to battles fought between humans themselves, war has been a catalyst for many inventions.

6. Building the Future

The journey from being nomadic hunter-gatherers to building modern-day skyscrapers has been a great human achievement. Our homes are not just a dwelling place; they represent our perpetual desire for a more complex world.

7. Into the Unknown

The human desire for exploration has led us to the depths of the sea and all the way to the moon. Our curiosity of the unknown has been the driving force behind new inventions.

8. The Road Ahead

Human travel led to the exchange of ideas, which in turn resulted in innovations, facilitating new modes of transport. Animals used in early civilizations have been replaced by engines and vehicles that transport us over great distances within short periods of time.

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